This question may seem trivial at first but I want to point out - I am not talking about taking advantage of CUDA or OpenCL technology. I am aware of TJ point of view on that matter. Tomasz has menshioned here, that this is not the way in case of Amibroker.
It is usually said, that all that matters in trading computers is a powerful CPU(s), lots of RAM and fast SSD drive(s). But the speed of GPU is usually neglected. Traders are usually only concerned about how many displays can they connect to their workstation. In most scenarios that is the case - especially when backtesting is concerned - CPU is the most important part of the computer. But what about charts/indicators - especially complex ones or when the chart is zoomed out, and there is lots of data to display? If we take a look at chart timing (Tools/Preferences/Miscellaneous/Display chart timing) we can see what are the components of a chart/indicator total formula execution time. There are two main components: AFL execution time and GDI render time. In my case a typical AFL execution time is no more than 1 - 10% of total chart timing. For example when I zoom out a really complex chart, I can see, that AFL execution time is 10 ms whereas GDI render time is 100 ms. In some cases the difference is even bigger - 0.5 ms versus 50 ms - so AFL execution takes 100 x less time than GDI rendering !!!
If someone has many charts in the layout with complex formulas (especially when the charts are refreshed very often), system may become sluggish. I really appreciate that Amibroker is blazing fast comparing to other competitive products - but I have a question:
1) Can a fast GPU really speed up drawing complex charts/indicators?
2) Lets say AFL execution time is 10 ms and GDI render time is 100 ms (total: 110 ms). Can we roughly expect, that 10 times faster GPU will make GPU render time drop to 10 ms (and total chart timing will drop from 110 ms to 20 ms)?
Best regards
Posted by: milosz.mazurkiewicz@yahoo.com
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