[amibroker] Re: Is it good practice to break a huge afl script to many include files?


For debugging, here's some code I've shared before and which is probably lost in old posts. I have over 10,000 lines of AFL code now with probably more than 100 functions, and a good debug point practice is essential. It's a simple system for naming debug points and turning them on and off. There are four functions. "name" is the name of the debug point.


To use, put break points in your code like so,
if (GetDebug("name")) {....debug statements...}

Turn them on or off like so,
SetDebug("name"); // Turn on debug point
ClearDebug("name"); // Turn off debug point
==============code below==========================

function GetDebug(funcName) { //Begin GetDebug
//Boolean function which returns whether or not a function is on the debugger stack
funcName = StrToUpper(funcName);
if (StaticVarGet("DebugALL")==True) result=True;
else if (StaticVarGet("DebugNONE")==True) result = False;
else result=StaticVarGet("DebugRecord"+funcName);
return result;
} //End GetDebug

procedure SetDebug(funcList) { //Begin SetDebug
// This function accepts a comma separated list of breakpoint names, and turns on the breakpoints  
// whose names correspond to the names in its argument list.
// Puts each function in funclist into the debug stack and onto the debug list
// so that debug calls within that function execute
//Reset All and None flags to default states
if (GetDebug("None")) StaticVarSet("DebugNONE", False); 
if (GetDebug("All")) StaticVarSet("DebugALL", False);
// Set each function in the list to true
for(length=0; (funcName = StrExtract( funcList, length )) != ""; length++) { //Begin for
funcName = StrToUpper(funcName); 
//_TRACE("Func is "+funcName);
inStack = GetDebug(funcName);
//_TRACE("Instack is "+NumToStr(inStack));
if(IsEmpty(inStack) OR NOT inStack) { // Begin add this function to the debug list
list = StaticVarGetText("DebugList");
//_TRACE("DebugList before addition is "+list);
if (list=="")
listSet = StaticVarSetText("DebugList", funcName);
listSet = StaticVarSetText("DebugList", list+","+funcName);
recordSet = StaticVarSet("DebugRecord"+funcName,True);
if(!listSet) _TRACE("Function SetDebug: Attempt to extend the Debug list failed: "+funcName);
if(!recordSet) _TRACE("Function SetDebug: Attempt to add the Debug record failed: "+funcName);
} // End add this function to the debug list
} //End For

//_TRACE("DebugList after addition: "+StaticVarGetText("DebugList"));
} //End SetDebug

procedure ClearDebug(funcList) { //Begin ClearDebug
// This procedure accepts a list of breakpoint names and turns off the breakpoints associated
// with those names.
for(length=0; (func = StrExtract( funcList, length )) != ""; length++) { //Begin for
func = StrToUpper(func);
success = StaticVarSet("DebugRecord"+func, False);
list = StaticVarGetText("DebugList");
if (StrFind(list, func)) { //begin remove func from debug list
list = StrReplace(list, func+",", "");
StaticVarSetText("DebugList", list);
} //end remove func from debug list
if (!success) _TRACE("Function ClearDebug: Attempt to set the Debug variable failed: "+value);
} //End For
} //End ClearDebug
procedure ClearDebugAll() { //Begin ClearDebugAll
// This procedure turns off all breakpoints
funcList = StaticVarGetText("DebugList");
for(length=0; (func = StrExtract( funcList, length )) != ""; length++) { //Begin for
success = StaticVarSet("DebugRecord"+func, False);
if (!success) _TRACE("Function SetDebug: Attempt to set the DebugRecord failed: "+func);
} // End for

} //End ClearDebugAll


Posted by: rosenberggregg@yahoo.com
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