Hello João,
Good to hear from you. Ok, I'll be waiting. Some months, who knows? rsrsrs
Best regards,
Jorge Luis
Hello Jorge Luis, long time no see.
Greetings from an old friend!
I'm gonna give you a call as soon as this little project is finished. If you ask me, it´s next month. Always, next month... :-)
The insert order is a very good tool but it has some downs.
Maybe it is easier to improve it.
For example, if the price runs into the stop loss and it is completely filled, the target/gain order should be canceled.
If the stop order is partially filled, the gain order should be updated.
And, vice-versa.
Or, the gain and stop order should be placed only if the order to enter the market (short or long) was filled, completely or partially.
Also, it would be great to show on the orders line, how much money is involved on each order (Stop $ -150.00 and Gain +500.00) or how many points/pips are involved.
(User defined).
Also, when planning a trade, to show the risk-reward ratio and do not accept trades with low R:R, if the user wants this protection.
Things like that...
All that combined with ABs incredible capacity, would allow the user to be alerted when a possible trade gets set by the user own code and rules, and, manage the trade by his own with some automated functions.
Thanks for listening (reading, in fact).
A small sneak peek, the other part of the screen contains some proprietary code:
2016-05-17 9:36 GMT-03:00 Tomasz Janeczko groups@amibroker.com [amibroker] <amibroker@yahoogroups.com>:
Thank you very much for your e-mail.
Technically yes. The system is written so it can be connected to any brokerage.
There is in fact second interface available for one Polish brokerage.
IBController is open source and you can get the sources and mimic the functionality
provided there to connect to other brokerages.
Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko
amibroker.comOn 2016-05-17 14:00, 'Jorge Luis Barros Ferreira' jorgelbferreira@yahoo.com.br [amibroker] wrote:
Hi TJ,
Is it possible to use this functionality with others brokerages?
De: amibroker@yahoogroups.com [mailto:amibroker@yahoogroups.com]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2016 04:25
Para: amibroker@yahoogroups.com
Assunto: Re: [amibroker] Re: AFL to DLL compilation anybody interested?
Thank you very much for your e-mail.
Yes, the AFL to DLL compiler is still in development.
As to placing orders from chart, the functionality is here (there are buy and sell buttons, which
when activated, allow to place orders including bracket orders from chart)
Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko
On 2016-05-16 23:36, João Flávio Machado Derzi joaoderzi@gmail.com [amibroker] wrote:
TJ, what about this idea?
Is it still on?
I tell you why: in the last months I have been making a trading dashboard with controllers like Ninja Trader has.
To move the orders, it is only necessary to click and drag.
To delete it, just click on the X square (or maybe Ctrl+Click for an extra safety).
It is all made in AFL, not like the one made in Amibroker.org (link). That one is an amazing code but kinda complex.
When the project is finish, I will share it so the AB community can develop an open source trading dashboard.
After that, we (or I) could use the IB.dll to make it really functional, at least with that broker.
So, it would be an easy to customize, functional and ready to use trading dashboard.
In other foruns, like BigMikeTrading, I have read more than once that a considerably number of people do not use AB because they are not coders and they see a lack of ready to use trading interfaces.
They could became coders and learn AFL to backtest, WF and stuff, but to trade they would always have to use another software (or the broker's interface).
I would like to give those people the option to use AB immediately and the opportunity to learn it.
This AFL would run much smoother if it was a DLL.
2015-08-31 23:15 GMT-03:00 Aron Pipa aron@myafl.com [amibroker] <amibroker@yahoogroups.com>:
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: rosenberggregg@yahoo.com [amibroker]
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2015 3:56 AM
Reply To: amibroker@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: AFL to DLL compilation anybody interested?
It's not a "formula". It's an application.
Agradeço antecipadamente,
João Flávio Machado Derzi
+55 (31) 9 9731-4469
Agradeço antecipadamente,
João Flávio Machado Derzi
+55 (31) 9 9731-4469
Posted by: "Jorge Luis Barros Ferreira" <jorgelbferreira@yahoo.com.br>
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