[amibroker] Re: Amibroker AFL that actually can make money


@Canadianfamily: Are you looking for a push button solution in form of an AFL that makes you money?

If there is one exist no body will even share it with you. And why should they? If someone shared with you it most likely never worked for them , which is why it;s with you now.

You will never ever find any such strategy or AFL that makes you money by itself. If it was at all true, then machines would have made Billions in a day all by itself. And if at all you think HFT does it, then one most likely do not understand the whole purpose of what HFT is all about. Also do not even think that Logarithmic trades will make you money consistently. Because it will Not.

You qts shows that you clearly are on a wrong path and approach and will most likely giveup soon, because you are asking for something that never exist.

Remember you do not have to be 100% accurate to make money, even  4 out of 10 hits are good enough if you really have understood the concept of "Trade Management".


Posted by: meanomalist@yahoo.com
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