Private lending future, DLC announces major closing, Top 75 brokers, Toronto, Calgary, More

What's in store for private lending in 2022?
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06 January 2022
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Top news
What's in store for private lending in 2022?

A leading executive in the space shares her thoughts on what's coming down the road this year

The growth mindset

From fresh funding to a rebranding and expansion across Canada, Pineapple co-founder and CEO Shubha Dasgupta catches CMP up on what's been a stellar 12 months for the company

Top 75 Brokers: Entries now open

CMP is shining the spotlight on the best in the business

DLC announces closing to TD credit facilities

This represents the latest step in its plan to streamline its business

Job creation imbalances evident in Ontario – study

These disparities might impact future home-purchasing power across the province

Market posts record-breaking December performance

Inflation concerns and rate fears are feeding into increased demand in the region, housing association says

Canadian housing inequality has decades-old roots – study

The market has seen a significant policy shift from social housing to private-sector supply creation

International news
Can artificial intelligence boost the mortgage industry?

AI-assembled data can be secured all while having the first cup of coffee at work

When will rates rise?

Experts agree a rate hike is coming – but what about the timing?

What will the end of lockdown mean for NZ property prices?

Tracing the path of New Zealand property in 2022 as the market exits pandemic restrictions

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