Step 1: Get mortgage. Step 2: Quit job???

Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman took to Twitter today to express his bewilderment with the housing market.
Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman took to Twitter today to express his bewilderment with the housing market. 


He rattled off an amusing-if-sad anecdote (a buyer in Maryland pledged to name her first-born child after the seller and still lost), some eye-opening statistics (there are more real Realtors than homes for sale, inventory is down 37% y-o-y, the average home sells in 17 days, home prices are up 24%), and broader trends (four people move in to low-tax states for every one who leaves, out-of-towners moving to Nashville have a housing budget of $720K, 50% higher than locals). 


But what really caught my attention was this:

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LOs, have you called a borrower's company to confirm that they can work remotely once the pandemic ends? If so, has it sunk any deals? Also, have you had newly-mortgaged clients quit their jobs or retire early? Let me know – I'm at


Kelman raises an interesting point – the pandemic hasn't just exacerbated income inequality, it's ushered in mobility inequality. According to Redfin, 90% of households earning $100,000 or more expect to be able to work virtually. That's compared to less than 10% of people earning $40,000 a year or less. This dynamic could fundamentally alter the American housing market for years to come. Please share your thoughts!


James Kleimann

Managing Editor, HousingWire

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