Invest like never before

Stocks and crypto are all over the news right now. With IFTTT's Finance and other fintech services, you can stay on top of the markets in unique and powerful ways.
Finances on IFTTT

With so many trending conversations online focused on stocks and crypto, we wanted to remind you of the ways you can use IFTTT to receive tailored notifications for the information that matters to you.

Want a lightbulb to turn green when it's time to buy? IFTTT can do that. Or, get a message to a specific Slack or Telegram channel. IFTTT has that covered, too.

Log daily exchange rate
Get an alert if a stock drops
Send stock price to Slack
Change light to green

Pros have access to create unlimited Applets. You can also use Pro to create Applets from our other leading financial services. Start your free trial today to try it out for yourself.

Start your trial
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