Financing delays, higher rates, Home Trust, recovery prospects, insolvency rate, More

The financing delay headache
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14 May 2021
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The financing delay headache

One Quebec broker on why the inability of clients to waive conditions on an offer is causing trouble

Poll: Canadians open to higher rates for greater stability

Despite growing economic confidence, Canadians still believe that current home price trends are a major problem

Home Capital reports Q1 results

Home Trust's parent company recorded striking year-over-year net income growth

Improved purchasing power could boost recovery prospects

Consumers who have saved up large sums over the past year might fuel growth in 2021 and beyond

CAIRP on Canada's rising insolvency rate

The volume of insolvency filings is veering closer to pre-pandemic levels

International news
7 questions from first time home buyers that every broker needs to answer

Are you prepared to help your clients make an informed decision?

Two more banks increase fixed rates

Only three lenders still offer four-year fixed rates under 2% – and those aren't likely to last

Industry calls on government to tweak new housing package

Organizations warn on the impacts of new rules on rental properties

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