CEO on DLC's record, Mortgage agents beware, British Columbia, GTA, Montreal, Equitable

What spurred a record year for DLC?
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07 May 2021
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What spurred a record year for DLC?

Gary Mauris talks us through a mammoth year for the industry giant

Mortgage agents beware: don't be seduced by low rates

Chris Cheng at RESCO Mortgage Investment Corporation has noticed a dangerous trend

British Columbia housing market set for yo-yo activity - report

Sales are set to spin out this year

Equitable Group announces Q1 results

The alternative lending giant saw some striking numbers over the course of the pandemic year

TRREB: GTA housing market saw an exceptional April

The region has significantly recovered from its pandemic doldrums

Firm Capital completes major acquisition in Atlantic Canada

The transaction involved more than a hundred units in several multi-residential buildings

Governments announce $100 million investment in Montreal housing

The funds will be aimed at making idle housing supply finally usable

International News
We're too busy

Big banks stop trying to get new mortgage business

Rates are now higher on second homes and investment properties - how one LO is handling that change

A higher rate shouldn't mean an end to the conversation…

Pepper Money ramps up biggest IPO of 2021

Banks stopped taking orders two hours earlier than planned

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