HUD charged a now-defunct California business for allegedly targeting Hispanic homeowners with illegal and discriminatory mortgage modification services.
HousingWire recently spoke with Jeffrey Morelli, general manager at Truework, about what lenders can do to prepare for and overcome the growing threat of fraud and data inaccuracy.Presented by Truework
For the average lender, a mere 1% improvement in borrower retention adds $50M a year in volume and $1.25M in bottom-line profit. See how 19 lenders increased their year-over-year borrower retention by not just 1%, but a whopping 11%. Learn More!
You know what's annoying? Telling someone the Internet has made their life a lot easier. Few professions are told that more repeatedly than real estate agents. HW+ Premium Content
Don't allow old manual processes to halt your business workflow. Learn how lenders utilize automated instant title and valuation to close loans faster! Learn More Now.
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