Ethereum's Outer Limits

Bursting with activity as network awaits upgrade
Yet, history tells us that doing nothing in the face of disruption can have even greater cost, including the collapse of entire firms. The reality is that first-mover companies bold enough to embrace disruptive technologies will gain a competitive advantage over those that can't take the leap. This innovator's dilemma is front-and-center for would-be blockchain participants and it's not properly acknowledged. 


To be sure, enterprise blockchain advocates typically understand some aspect of the "me" versus "we" challenge. That's why there was a rush to form industry blockchain consortia  between 2016 and 2018. But as Allison also reported early on in the formation of the TradeLens consortium founded by shipping giant Maersk, those groups are hard to manage precisely because competitors, as well as business partners, will mistrust the motives of the founding institution. 


Also, partly because of companies' unwillingness to cede control, and partly because of regulatory and other constraints, these consortia almost always default to private blockchains with fixed membership. They create walled-garden, closed-loop environments that inevitably innovate less well than open-source communities where ideas from anyone are welcomed and shared. 


Embracing the Radicals


The hard truth is that for blockchain business consortia to succeed they must accept outsiders, with all the disruptive threats they pose. They must embrace the notion of open-access permissionless innovation that's at the heart of public blockchain-based crypto communities.


There's even a role for Big Blue in all this. Leave IBM's consulting division and you find that open-minded approaches to blockchain still thrive. In those cases, the focus is about what can be built and developed on top of this open distributed ledger architecture, rather than on selling cloud services. 


In IBM research, for example, Nitin Gaur, Director of the IBM WW Digital Assets Lab, is doing groundbreaking research into how banks and traditional financial participants might engage with the dynamic, open-source world of decentralized finance (DeFi), perhaps the epitome of freewheeling, public blockchain innovation. (Perhaps only EY blockchain lead Paul Brody is on par in the consulting world for embracing DeFi's potential.) 


Meanwhile, the health sciences team has developed an IBM Digital Health Pass, which provides an innovative, privacy-preserving solution to managing shared COVID-19 health records. You wouldn't know from the app that it's powered by a blockchain, but it is. 


While its sales pitch on blockchain may not have reflected it, IBM's history is one of (eventually) shifting with the times and addressing disruption. The reason it has survived, despite massive waste over the years, is that, when push comes to shove, it embraces change. You see it in Big Blue's journey from mainframe computers to PCs to software development to consultant services.


If it can get away from offering blockchain as some magical solution and instead incorporate it as a back-end element to useful new applications, IBM can help drive real change in business practices around this technology.

Bitcoin Slightly Less Dominant Vs Ethereum

Ethereum's ether has been on a tear this past week, hitting a new all-time high of $1,740 at the time of writing. Bitcoin also had a good week, just not as crazy good as ether. So it made sense to look at how the metric of "bitcoin dominance" is playing out in the crypto universe, particularly as it compares to the boom period for ether of January 2018.

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Shuai Hao/CoinDesk

In this case, CoinDesk's Shuai Hao used the market cap measurements at the end of January for bitcoin, ether, and for the other 18 digital assets listed in the CoinDesk 20, as the foundation. Then he ran the numbers back to 2017. Sure enough, this is the second-highest proportion of total crypto market cap that ether represents after 2018. 


Sustainable? Who knows? For answers, watch how DeFi and the new Ethereum 2.0 project play out.


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Experience DeFi: Deposit, Earn & Borrow With Aave 


Aave (fun fact: the name is taken from the Finnish word for "ghost") is a decentralized, open-source and non-custodial liquidity protocol where you can earn interest on crypto deposits and borrow assets. Deposit your preferred asset and you'll automatically start earning interest every second, based on the market supply and borrowing demand. Users can also swap any of their deposited assets in order to get the best yields on the market! Aave Protocol features access to innovative DeFi building blocks including flash loans and credit delegation as the first uncollateralized loan options in DeFi. 

Check out Aave today:

The Conversation: The Fees Are Too Damn High

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Illustration by Moe Na/CoinDesk

One reason it was a big week for Ethereum was because it was another big week for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications built on top of it. The amount of total locked value in DeFi has continued to reach new all-time highs on a weekly basis, but its new record – at around $33.45 billion as of Friday morning – was impressive for the speed with which it jumped from $27.31 billion on Jan. 29. 


Of course, with growth comes problems, especially because Ethereum hasn't yet migrated to what is supposed to be a more scalable Ethereum 2.0 blockchain. As such, the congestion of transaction orders pushed up fees paid to miners for clearing transactions. As of early Thursday morning, so-called Ethereum "gas" fees were at record highs.

This prompted Maya Zehavi to point out both the challenges and the opportunities for DeFi innovators, highlighting the gas fee sticker shock and the prospect for layer 2 DeFi solutions that don't require costly on-chain transaction processing, which would in theory lower transaction costs. 

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Meanwhile, someone with the Twitter handle @youngtilopa compared Google searches for "DeFi" and one equity stock that's been in the news recently.

So maybe a sober view is needed. DeFi still has a long road to travel. Whether layer 2 will help it scale and open opportunities for lower-cost transactions remains to be seen.

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The price of ether has reached an all-time high less than two months since the Ethereum protocol's historic upgrade. Research analyst Christine Kim and tech reporter Will Foxley break down Ethereum 2.0 and its sweeping impacts on crypto markets, weekly.

Valid Points features original insights on what lies ahead for industry stakeholders and investors. Subscribe to the Valid Points newsletter.

Relevant Reads: Divergent Global Regulation

Approaches to cryptocurrency regulation and development continue to vary among the governments of the world. The one consistency is a wariness of crypto; the big difference is how proactively each government is itself acting to innovate with the technology.

  • Early in the week, we got news India would ban private cryptocurrencies under proposed legislation, fostering a firestorm of criticism for what many said would be the death knell for fintech innovation in the world's second most populous nation. CoinDesk's Omkar Godbole reports.

  • South Africa has a relatively vibrant crypto-using community. Now, as Tanzeel Akhtar reports, the South African Revenue Services is moving to make sure that growing user base doesn't get away with untaxed capital gains.

  • Meanwhile, China has been playing the long game. CoinDesk contributor Michael Kimani argues China's heavy investment and incentives to build out Africa's connectivity with Chinese mobile technology has positioned the country well to deploy a Chinese digital currency on the continent in a bid to boost its influence.

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