[amibroker] Re: Recommended requirements to run amibroker, IB controller and TWS at the same time. [1 Attachment]

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Hi Aron.


Thanks for your reply. I think that script is going to be very handy for me! I will have a play with it soon.


I think I have managed to isolate my original problem of AB closing to be when my Internet cuts out (thanks Telstra – my ISP provider). When connectivity comes back is when AB is crashing/ closing. I have attached a picture of an "access violation" error that then occurs.


I have contemplated sending an error report off to support, but it's not exactly an AB issue. To me it seems it's that the AFL code is attempting to retrieve information from TWS and TWS is not returning the required info because Internet connectivity is lost.



For the record, now that I can artificially replicate the error I have found that it occurs on my old laptop as well as the new one, although not as often. Having higher memory and processor specs must help it hang in there better than the new laptop.


Thanks again Aron, it is much appreciated.


Cheers Brent


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