[amibroker] Re: Exploration of recent IPOs


Do you mean your using "From-to Dates" in the analysis window?

Use 1 recent day or bar and it should work. AFL works great on my try of it.. Added a param function to helixtraders code. This will allow you to choose a filter from the parameter window in analysis. The other way is to just edit the AFL and send to analysis window.

DateofFirstBar = ValueWhen(BarIndex() == 0, DateTime());
DateofLastBar = ValueWhen(BarIndex() == LastValue(BarIndex()), DateTime());

// Months calculated as date difference in seconds divided by average seconds in a month
MonthsofHistory = DateTimeDiff(DateofLastBar, DateofFirstBar) / 2629800;
Range = Param("Months of History",3,1,1000,1);

Filter = Status("LastBarInRange") AND MonthsofHistory <= Range; // Displays a single row per symbol
AddColumn(DateofFirstBar, "Date of First Bar", formatDateTime);
AddColumn(DateofLastBar, "Date of Last Bar", formatDateTime);
AddColumn(MonthsofHistory, "Months of History", 1.1);

Also many ways, to get the job done,

RE: [amibroker] Display Date of First Bar.

If your ever stuck, the great thing about Amibroker is it's been around for a long time and old messages from the board are easy to find on google.

Although not as nice as helixtraders AFL. Something as simple as the AFL below will simply show the date of the first bar allowing you to filter up and down based on the "FirstBar" column to see the symbols with the newest first bar of data.

dt = DateTime();

Filter = 1;
AddTextColumn(datetimetostr( dt [0] ),"FirstBar",1.2 );



Posted by: brandon.richard03@yahoo.com
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