Re: [amibroker] Re: Multiple dates storage and future prodate projection



This code may save your time.

Best regards

Le 06/03/2016 19:42, Alan [amibroker] a écrit :
So if I wanted to use this code to perform some function like find the difference between the two prices I would use for variables
"bi == start" as one variable and "bi == stop" as the second variable and subtract the two like this: diff = bi == stop - bi == start. Is this correct?

On 3/6/2016 11:45 AM, fxshrat wrote:
That code has some flaws/overkills

using SetBarsRequired( sbrall, sbrall ); just makes code slow because of using all bars
If you want to know overall bi in Information window then use status( "quickaflfirstdatabar" )
Like so,

qfdb = status( "quickaflfirstdatabar" );
printf( "startBi: %g\nendBi: %g", (qfdb + start), (qfdb + stop) );

Then you don't require SetBarsRequired(sbrall)

coding flaws:
using LastValue( SelectedValue( bi ) )
just use SelectedValue( bi )
since both LastValue and SelectedValue are used on arrays but not on scalars.
Using both together makes not sense.

some other note

IIf(bi==start,1,0) can be repalced by just using bi == start (same for stop)

StaticVarSet( "StartbarBi"+getchartid(), SelectedValue(BI)) is never called by any StatiVarGet.
So it is code cadaver, so to say. So it can be removed. It just confuses.

So modified code


Plot( C, "Price", IIf( C < O,colorGrey50, colorGrey50), styleCandle ) ;

///////////Find the Start and End barindex  by pressed by  CLR or Shift + Left mouse Click////////////
B  = GetCursorMouseButtons();
Control_Pressed = GetAsyncKeyState( 17 ) < 0; // CONTROL key pressed,
Shift_Pressed = GetAsyncKeyState( 16 ) < 0; // Shift key pressed,
bi=BarIndex();  Lbi =LastValue(bi);

if( B & 1 AND CONTROL_Pressed )
    StartBi = SelectedValue( BI );
    StaticVarSet( "StartBi" + getchartid(), StartBi ) ;

if( B & 1 AND Shift_Pressed )
    endBi = SelectedValue( BI );
    StaticVarSet( "endBi" + getchartid(), endBi );
if ( B & 4) { StaticVarRemove("*Bi"+ getchartid()); }  

start = StaticVarGet( "StartBi" + getchartid() );  
stop = StaticVarGet( "endBi" + getchartid() );
qfdb = Status( "quickaflfirstdatabar" );
printf( "startBi: %g\nendBi: %g", (qfdb + start), (qfdb + stop) );        

Plot( bi == start, "StartBI", colorgreen, styleHistogram | styleDashed | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel ); // start bar styleHistogram
Plot( bi == stop, "stopBI", colorred, styleHistogram | styleDashed | styleNoLabel | styleOwnScale ); // End bar styleHistogram

Alan [amibroker] wrote:

Panos- Thanks for sharing the code.  I saved it as a snippet for later use.  Seems like this would be a good function for Tomasz to add to the AFL library. -Alan

On 3/5/2016 6:01 PM, Panos Boufardeas [amibroker] wrote:

Hello..  as for your first Question use the below code

>> I am trying to do the following:

>> 1- store multiple  dates on a click of a mouse in daily or intraday.


Plot( C, "Price", IIf( C < O,colorGrey50, colorGrey50), styleCandle ) ;
SetBarsRequired ( sbrAll, sbrAll );

///////////Find the Start and End barindex  by pressed by  CLR or Shift + Left mouse Click////////////
B  = GetCursorMouseButtons();
Control_Pressed = GetAsyncKeyState( 17 ) < 0; // CONTROL key pressed,
Shift_Pressed = GetAsyncKeyState( 16 ) < 0; // Shift key pressed,
bi=BarIndex();  Lbi =LastValue(bi);

if ( B & 1 AND CONTROL_Pressed )
    StartBi= LastValue( SelectedValue(BI) );
     StaticVarSet( "StartBi"+getchartid(), StartBi) ;
     StaticVarSet( "StartbarBi"+getchartid(), SelectedValue(BI)) ;
if ( B & 1 AND Shift_Pressed )
    endBi = LastValue( SelectedValue(BI) );
     StaticVarSet( "endBi"+getchartid(), endBi);
if ( B & 4) { StaticVarRemove("*Bi"+ getchartid()); }   

start=StaticVarGet( "StartBi"+getchartid());   "startBi " + WriteVal(start);
stop= StaticVarGet("endBi"+getchartid());        "stopBi " + WriteVal(stop);
Plot( IIf(bi==start,1,0), "StartBI", colorgreen, styleHistogram |styleDashed|styleOwnScale |styleNoLabel); // start bar styleHistogram
Plot( IIf(bi==stop,1,0), "stopBI", colorred, styleHistogram|styleDashed|styleNoLabel |styleOwnScale ); // End bar styleHistogram


On 05-03-16 3:55 PM, [amibroker] wrote:
For a couple of your questions these may help.

You want to draw an arc? See attached screen shot or maybe what you are looking for is here:

You want to count bars between conditions? perhaps these posts will help get you started

But I agree with Alan. Try finding a solution, post your code and then ask why it is not working. When asking questions on the forum be specific, give an example or a detailed explanation.

Try  a  "Search" on this forum as many topics have been discussed.

Try eMail AmiBroker technical support if there is no help on this forum.

There are many code writers for hire. Google search AmiBroker code writing and hire someone to help you.


Posted by: reinsley <>
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