This code may save your time.
Best regards
So if I wanted to use this code to perform some function like find the difference between the two prices I would use for variables
"bi == start" as one variable and "bi == stop" as the second variable and subtract the two like this: diff = bi == stop - bi == start. Is this correct?
On 3/6/2016 11:45 AM, fxshrat wrote:
That code has some flaws/overkills
using SetBarsRequired( sbrall, sbrall ); just makes code slow because of using all bars
If you want to know overall bi in Information window then use status( "quickaflfirstdatabar" )
Like so,
qfdb = status( "quickaflfirstdatabar" );
printf( "startBi: %g\n
endBi: %g", (
qfdb + start), (qfdb + stop) );
Then you don't require SetBarsRequired(sbrall)
coding flaws:
using LastValue( SelectedValue( bi ) )
just use SelectedValue( bi )
since both LastValue and SelectedValue are used on arrays but not on scalars.
Using both together makes not sense.
some other note
IIf(bi==start,1,0) can be repalced by just using bi == start (same for stop)
StaticVarSet( "StartbarBi"+getchartid(), SelectedValue(BI)) is never called by any StatiVarGet.
So it is code cadaver, so to say. So it can be removed. It just confuses.
So modified code
Plot( C, "Price", IIf( C < O,colorGrey50, colorGrey50), styleCandle ) ;
///////////Find the Start and End barindex by pressed by CLR or Shift + Left mouse Click////////////
B = GetCursorMouseButtons();
Control_Pressed = GetAsyncKeyState( 17 ) < 0; // CONTROL key pressed,
Shift_Pressed = GetAsyncKeyState( 16 ) < 0; // Shift key pressed,
bi=BarIndex(); Lbi =LastValue(bi);
if( B & 1 AND CONTROL_Pressed )
StartBi = SelectedValue( BI );
StaticVarSet( "StartBi" + getchartid(), StartBi ) ;
if( B & 1 AND Shift_Pressed )
endBi = SelectedValue( BI );
StaticVarSet( "endBi" + getchartid(), endBi );
if ( B & 4) { StaticVarRemove("*Bi"+ getchartid()); }
start = StaticVarGet( "StartBi" + getchartid() );
stop = StaticVarGet( "endBi" + getchartid() );
qfdb = Status( "quickaflfirstdatabar" );
printf( "startBi: %g\nendBi: %g", (qfdb + start), (qfdb + stop) );
Plot( bi == start, "StartBI", colorgreen, styleHistogram | styleDashed | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel ); // start bar styleHistogram
Plot( bi == stop, "stopBI", colorred, styleHistogram | styleDashed | styleNoLabel | styleOwnScale ); // End bar styleHistogram
Alan [amibroker] wrote:
Panos- Thanks for sharing the code. I saved it as a snippet for later use. Seems like this would be a good function for Tomasz to add to the AFL library. -Alan
On 3/5/2016 6:01 PM, Panos Boufardeas [amibroker] wrote:
Hello.. as for your first Question use the below code
>> I am trying to do the following:
>> 1- store multiple dates on a click of a mouse in daily or intraday.
Plot( C, "Price", IIf( C < O,colorGrey50, colorGrey50), styleCandle ) ;
SetBarsRequired ( sbrAll, sbrAll );
///////////Find the Start and End barindex by pressed by CLR or Shift + Left mouse Click////////////
B = GetCursorMouseButtons();
Control_Pressed = GetAsyncKeyState( 17 ) < 0; // CONTROL key pressed,
Shift_Pressed = GetAsyncKeyState( 16 ) < 0; // Shift key pressed,
bi=BarIndex(); Lbi =LastValue(bi);
if ( B & 1 AND CONTROL_Pressed )
StartBi= LastValue( SelectedValue(BI) );
StaticVarSet( "StartBi"+getchartid(), StartBi) ;
StaticVarSet( "StartbarBi"+getchartid(), SelectedValue(BI)) ;
if ( B & 1 AND Shift_Pressed )
endBi = LastValue( SelectedValue(BI) );
StaticVarSet( "endBi"+getchartid(), endBi);
if ( B & 4) { StaticVarRemove("*Bi"+ getchartid()); }
start=StaticVarGet( "StartBi"+getchartid()); "startBi " + WriteVal(start);
stop= StaticVarGet("endBi"+getchartid()); "stopBi " + WriteVal(stop);
Plot( IIf(bi==start,1,0), "StartBI", colorgreen, styleHistogram |styleDashed|styleOwnScale |styleNoLabel); // start bar styleHistogram
Plot( IIf(bi==stop,1,0), "stopBI", colorred, styleHistogram|styleDashed|styleNoLabel |styleOwnScale ); // End bar styleHistogram
On 05-03-16 3:55 PM, [amibroker] wrote:For a couple of your questions these may help.
You want to draw an arc? See attached screen shot or maybe what you are looking for is here:OR
You want to count bars between conditions? perhaps these posts will help get you started
But I agree with Alan. Try finding a solution, post your code and then ask why it is not working. When asking questions on the forum be specific, give an example or a detailed explanation.
Posted by: reinsley <>
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