Re: [amibroker] ODBC plugin thread (collected facts & discussion)

Best regards

Le 22/03/2016 23:45, 'bluesinvestor ..' [amibroker] a écrit :
does anyone have a primer on how to start using the odbc plugin with access?  i am not looking for using it as a data source.  but rather as a journal for scans that i run on a daily basis.  so:

i have a table (Journal) with: ID | jDate | ScanSig1 | ScanSig2

i would assume something like this would work:

odbcOpenDatabase("ODBC;DATABASE=Ijournal;DSN=ab Ijournal;");
SQL = "INSERT Into Journal (jDate, ScanSig1, ScanSig2) Values (" + Date() + ",True,False)";

but i'm not getting anything.  any help would be appreciated.  thx

On Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 12:46 PM, [amibroker] <> wrote:

This thread is intended to collect some facts around ODBC and usage with AB's ODBC plugin.

Feel free to add further infos all around ODBC usage.

First example: few days ago I have read a post where someone tried to make connection to 32 bit ODBC driver from AmiBroker 64-bit ODBC plugin.


"I went through the pain of 32-bit Excel / 64-bit Amibroker did not work.. was trying to put the 32-bit ODBC driver in between but no luck (and many other trial and errors)"

Now this won't work as all executables, dlls must be of same bitness!

So if you have AmiBroker 64-bit with according ODBC plugin then in order to connect to MS Office ODBC driver you need to install Microsoft Office 64-bit. Anything else makes no sense. (64-bit MS Office is available only since version 2010, BTW.)


Now there are some commercial ODBC to ODBC Bridges available that make it possible for 64bit clients to connect via sockets to 32bit server components. And the server components bridge to a configured 32bit MS Access ODBC DSN. Don't ask me whether it works (well enough) as I have not tried it.

If for some reason you don't have i.e. MS Office 2010 64-bit but 32-bit Office version available only and don't wanna use such bridges then only way left is using 32-bit AmiBroker with 32-bit ODBC plugin.

Now in order to configure 32-bit DSNs via ODBC Data Source Administrator tool on 64-bit Windows OS you have to go to C:\windows\sysWOW64 and starting odbcad32.exe there. That one will execute the 32-bit ODBC admin tool. Now here comes the funny stuff ... on the other hand the 64-bit admin tool is to be found in C:\windows\system32 of 64-bit OS. Ridiculous logic by Microsoft. 32-bit system stuff is to be found in sysWOW64 folder and 64-bit system stuff is to be found in system32 folder. Most probable reason: compatibility. Anyway here is some more info

On more thing, if you use 64-bit ODBC admin tool... In order to execute that one you don't need to go to C:\windows\system32 but rather read here about how to locate it


Posted by: reinsley <>
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