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Canadians reveal how inflation, rate increases are impacting their finances
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06 October 2022
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Canadians reveal how inflation, rate increases are impacting their finances

Younger Canadians have been disproportionately affected by the challenges of 2022

All signs point to strength in the new construction space

And Community Trust can help your clients capitalize on new build purchases

MERIX: Offering true compensation choice

At MERIX Financial, brokers can choose which compensation works best for them on a deal-by-deal basis


StatCan on the pace of growth in building permit values

Many of the gains could be attributed to a major powerhouse provincial market, statistics agency says

Women's perspectives are much-needed in the mortgage industry, top exec says

"I think men and women … handle things very differently"

More power to borrowers

No longer just a solution for alternative borrowers, NPX is now competing in the mainstream market


Avison Young highlights Winnipeg office market conditions

Workers are steadily returning to on-site jobs, new report shows

Balance returning to the Fraser Valley market – real estate board

The central bank's interest rate rises have dominated market dynamics over the past half year or so

International news
Get out of your comfort zone - BDM's advice to brokers

Bridge lender's 'rising star' on the attraction of mortgages - despite the turmoil

US mortgage rates hit highest levels for 16 years

It's the worst slump in home loan applications since the depths of the pandemic

This city's rental stock just hit a 12-year low…

"Rents will continue to rise until we see more rental properties come on to the market"

NZ's housing market still firmly in retreat – CoreLogic

Housing downturn unlikely to end soon

What does it take to be a Woman of Influence?

Top executives on women leading the way in the mortgage industry

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