Return to office, Social media, Banking giants' plans, Toronto, Vancouver, More

How will a return to the office impact the mortgage market?
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22 February 2022
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How will a return to the office impact the mortgage market?

Lenders could increasingly seek clarification on whether work-from-home arrangements are indeed permanent

The social media revolution – how has it changed mortgage brokering?

With social media usage set to rocket in the coming years, the opportunities for the mortgage brokering sector are clear

Diversity and inclusion: how is the mortgage industry doing?

Leading mortgage executives on where things stand – and what more needs to be done

How brokers can leverage CHIP Open as a strategic bridge financing tool

Product offers solution for clients and boosts business for brokers

Canadian banking giants to report earnings – key trends to watch for

There are two elements to focus on…

Industry veterans highlight the ongoing "urban exodus"

"The new normal is still being written"

A reversal of fortunes for Toronto's office market

Investment activity in the sector surged during Q4 2021, new report says

BC government contemplating removal of municipal permit powers – housing minister

Local governments are currently not doing enough to boost BC's housing supply, officials say

Pressure on Vancouver house prices continues

The trend inflames competition, real estate industry association says

international news
'Catastrophic' cladding fire test results revealed

It was known material was highly combustible before tragedy

Westpac flounders as it transitions to digital

About 100 mortgage brokers removed from new One Bank platform

Finance of America CEO to retire, search for successor begins

Group lifts the lid on the executive's upcoming retirement and its transition plan

NZ law is "tying developers' hands," says mortgage broker

Worsening housing crisis predicted as builders experience a credit squeeze

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