Mortgage brokers - what happens in 2022, CIBC, RBC, Ontario, Alberta, Reverse mortgages, More

What will happen to mortgage brokers in 2022?
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20 December 2021
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Top news
What will happen to mortgage brokers in 2022?

CEO gives his verdict

Why you should make reverse mortgages part of your 2022 business plan

Time off with fewer interruptions presents an excellent opportunity to ramp up business

Canada home prices – time to act "is now"

CIBC chief executive gives verdict

Ontario market gets affordable housing boost from CMHC

A multimillion tranche has been set aside for the development of a three-storey housing complex

RBC on the current trends in Canada's housing market activity

The accelerated pace of sales goes hand in hand with robust price growth

Alberta markets post stronger-than-normal year-end performances

Activity in the province's major urban markets was "unusual" for this time of the year, local real estate groups say

Ratehub lays out 2022 predictions

It predicts when the first Bank of Canada rate increase will take place…

International news
Mortgage Professional America's Elite Women 2021 revealed

Get to know the 59 women who are redefining leadership in the mortgage space

NAB shooting for one-hour approval times – CEO

Faced with increasing competition from fintechs, big bank wants to up its mortgage approval offering

Mortgage brokers warn about effect of tougher lending laws on buyers

Amendments were designed to protect vulnerable borrowers from predatory lenders

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