TonicPow CEO: How to take on the giants of tech

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CoinGeek Conversations: Luke Rohenaz | Founder and CEO, TonicPow

TonicPow: Competing with the mega giants of the tech industry

Hello Firsato,

In the highly-competitive tech industry, how do new and small start-ups compete with mega giants? TonicPow founder and CEO Luke Rohenaz chats with Charles Miller about how digital Davids can compete against the Goliaths of tech in this week's CoinGeek Conversations.

Charles brings up something Luke said in the past about the "network effect" of the shared database of the Bitcoin SV blockchain. He explained the concept of "coopetition," where the use of common protocols agreed on by competitors allows for the sharing of content online.

"That's what I mean by the shared network effect, you don't have to be the mega giant to compete with the mega giant," Luke said. "You just have to be a participant in a mutually beneficial coopetition scenario."

Luke and his team transformed TonicPow from a peer-to-peer advertising solution to a platform that now includes a pay-per-click model, allowing users to see results quicker. He credits the special powers of Bitcoin SV for helping TonicPow stand out from other social media platforms.

"Where we end up shining is when you start to count up the various little edges that Bitcoin gives you," Luke says. "It's a better place to build something like this."

Learn more about Luke, TonicPow, and challenging the tech giants.

Enjoy the podcast,

The CoinGeek Team

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