Genesis Anniversary Happening on February 4

Also inside: Why gaming needs blockchain


Blockchain technology offers a number of unique advantages over other systems that make it such a perfect fit for gaming. Bitcoin SV has already emerged as the blockchain of choice for enterprise applications.

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There really is no choice when you compare the technical pieces: the size, speed, scale, cost; you'd have to be an idiot in my industry to do something else that's not Bitcoin SV.
Robert Rice, founder and CEO of Transmira Inc.

This Week's Highlights


The Bitcoin Bridge looks at NBdomain and blockchain identity with Jeff Chen

The Bitcoin Bridge heads to Singapore this week. It's the home base of Jeff Chen, founder of blockchain domain registry NBdomain, and the Maxthon browser project.

The man shaking up industries by converging AR and VR with blockchain

When emerging technologies collide, the effects are game changing. Those at the forefront of augmented and virtual reality have already transformed multiple industries.




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