Lenders reveal how to boost business, Fixed rates, Scotia, Ground zero, TRREB, More

Top lenders reveal how to do more business
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06 March 2023
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Top news
Top lenders reveal how to do more business

You can also become relevant to an entirely new population of borrowers

Fixed rates: How is an increase impacting the mortgage market?

Strong employment data in recent weeks saw bond yields – and fixed rates – tick upward

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Community Trust

Bank of Canada risks falling too far behind Fed - Scotia

Gap could weaken currency and fuel inflation

What makes one town the hotbed of Canada's mortgage crisis?

Just a year ago, the town was one long stretch of corn field

The definitive global guide to the mortgage industry's best

Read the full report showcasing this year's outstanding mortgage professionals across the globe

CIBC mortgage borrowers seeing larger loan balances due to rising interest rates

Struggling variable-rate borrowers may have to make higher payments on renewal

TRREB brings in digital forms and offers solutions to members

New tools part of a "proactive response" to trends in the Ontario real estate industry

Feds extend housing investment with Habitat for Humanity

Another $25 million will see to the construction of 500 new homes across Canada

International news
Are we on the brink of a housing crash or has it already happened?

Expert believes the worst may now be behind us

Government's first-home buyer program makes a splash

The program is a hit despite first-home buyer loans hitting a five-year low

Mortgage rates rise for fourth straight week – reaction pours in

Freddie Mac economist signals rates could reach 7%

Could more be done to prevent rising interest rates?

Spending should be reprioritised, says ACT head

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