Specialized lending update: Building deeper knowledge, Value of strong broker-lender relationships, New non-bank player, Call for consumer awareness, Reverse mortgage popularity grows, More

Exec on how deeper knowledge will serve a broker well
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28 March 2023
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Exec on how deeper knowledge will serve a broker well

"Get to know your client's business so that you can present that information to the lender in a clear and concise way."

CEO on key elements to the broker-lender relationship

"You have to trust and let them do what they do"

Deliver a transformational client experience with $75,000++ in free mortgage payments from MCAN home

The MCAN Icon program is our unique model of collaborative, people-first partnership creating long-lasting value for partners, clients and communities. This is the new mortgage movement


Non-bank lending: What should brokers keep top of mind?

"Solving the problem is just as important as rates and fees"

Canada has a new entrant in the non-bank lending space

The company will focus on what it calls "niche segments"

How did the Calgary housing market fare in February?

Calgary Real Estate Board highlights the latest trends in the Albertan market

How to help your clients age in place for a happier and healthier retirement

HomeEquity Bank explains how brokers can help clients access funds while remaining in their home

Regulator calls for greater consumer awareness of private lending

Private mortgages have seen a significant increase in popularity recently

Which financial product is seeing increased popularity among the elderly?

"They're looking for ways to help adapt their home"

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