CIBC’s Tal on BoC move, Impact on loonie, Canadian consumer debt mounts, Rising Stars final week, More

BoC keeping options open but could be done on hikes: CIBC's Tal
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09 March 2023
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BoC keeping options open but could be done on hikes: CIBC's Tal

The central bank has left its policy rate untouched for the first time in over a year

Bank of Canada's break from Fed invites bearish moves

It was the first time rates have been unchanged in nine meetings

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Community Trust

Technology and the mortgage space: What's next?

Top executives have their say on how tech is influencing the mortgage process

Canadian consumer debt surges as mortgage costs mount

Future payment shocks for homeowners are "a real concern", report says

Final week to submit entries for Rising Stars 2023

Entries for CMP's Rising Stars close this Friday

How did 2022 change Canadian homebuying trends?

New Zolo report reveals all

Governments support Quebec project for women experiencing homelessness

Two buildings in Villa-Marie borough will soon be transformed to a 19-room safe space

International news
Home prices continue to slip – CoreLogic

"Shortage of for-sale homes is likely to keep price declines modest"

Delinquency and default risk on the rise – report

Risks will extend through the rest of the year, ratings agency warns

NZ housing market still a long way off pre-pandemic levels

Home values are still on average 24.5% higher nationally than they were before the pandemic

RICS: Housing market still downbeat but showing signs of stability

"The housing market continues to adjust to the tighter lending climate"

Top lenders reveal how to do more business

You can also become relevant to an entirely new population of borrowers

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