Looking ahead to 2023, RCMP investigates lender, Housing affordability concerns, Fund redemptions deferred, Consumer insolvency spikes, More

What's in store for the housing and mortgage markets in 2023?
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10 November 2022
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What's in store for the housing and mortgage markets in 2023?

Lenders have their say on how things will play out moving into next year

RCMP launches criminal investigation into Bridging Finance

Police are reportedly searching records and interviewing witnesses

Your path with every client is a Marathon

Start by sprinting towards exceptional rates, comp, and service

Marathon Mortgage

Romspen halts redemptions on its largest fund

A significant share of borrowers have stopped making their payments, the lender said

Affordable housing among most important issues facing Canadians: survey

Obstacles to homeownership remain significant

Learn from the best of the best at the Canadian Mortgage Summit

With nine breakout sessions and over 40 exhibitors, learn from the top mortgage professionals at the Canadian Mortgage Summit

Canadian Mortgage Summit

Consumer insolvency filings increase at their largest rate in over a decade

A growing number of Canadians are steadily inching towards their financial breaking points, CAIRP says

Lender on the key to responsible underwriting

Being sure of income and employment sustainability are some of the most important factors

International news
Tough times for mortgage industry, says real estate brokerage founder

Rising inflation to reduce demand for homes, study finds

Cutthroat mortgage competition becoming irrational – big bank CEO

"We have other options for where to put excess balance sheet," exec says

Top UK builders facing downturn

Order books down and cancellation rates up as firms battle against high rates and inflation

NZ first-home buyers have "held on" relatively well amid housing downturn – CoreLogic

The proportion of first-home buyers relative to the rest of the market has improved, data shows

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