Current market opportunities, Macklem talks BoC outlook, RBC on subdued economy, Manulife earnings, Future rate hikes, More

Where do opportunities lie for investors in the current market?
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11 November 2022
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Where do opportunities lie for investors in the current market?

The ability to buy at significant discounts is a big upside for equity-rich individuals

BoC's Macklem: Labour market rebalancing needed to counter inflation

Inflation would be eased by growth in the total number of potential and active employees nationwide, BoC governor says

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Start by sprinting towards exceptional rates, comp, and service

Marathon Mortgage

RBC: Prolonged subdued economy in the cards for North America

Inflationary pressures will continue to be the major factor affecting these dynamics well into next year, bank says

Manulife sees strong earnings growth in Canadian unit

Core earnings in Canada spiked by 13%, the company said

Learn from the best of the best at the Canadian Mortgage Summit

With nine breakout sessions and over 40 exhibitors, learn from the top mortgage professionals at the Canadian Mortgage Summit

Canadian Mortgage Summit

New StatCan data sheds light on residential property owned by businesses

Demographic dynamics led to the growing number of business and government residential holdings in Canadian cities, agency says

Third round of Rapid Housing Initiative launched

The $1.5 billion round will support the development of thousands more new homes nationwide

BoC open to 'more normal' rate hikes amid softer data

The central bank is more focused on core measures than headline inflation, governor indicates

International news
Mortgage applications virtually unchanged despite rate increase – why?

Borrowers stay on the sideline as housing gets less affordable

House prices start to fall, RICS survey finds

Experts react to weakening demand caused by high inflation and interest rates

Major banks see profits jump, but challenges lie ahead

Major banks enjoying "last calm before the storm," analyst says

Global slowdown to hit NZ economy

Offshore stability risks rising, says Kiwibank

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