In 2020, like millions of other homeowners, he refinanced his mortgage. He's now paying about 2.5% interest and his home also has appreciated in value by more than $100,000. I recently asked him if he would consider selling. "No," he said. The only reason to sell would be landing a new job with a salary bump that he couldn't pass up. Otherwise, why sell and then buy in such a competitive housing market? You get so much less house for the money these days, he said. And what would even be available to buy?
My friend's sentiments reflect what a lot of homeowners think, and present a hurdle for the future. Average housing tenure has already doubled to more than a decade. Now, locked into historically low rates, what motivation do current homeowners have to become sellers and enter the pool again as a buyer? Did the refi boom set up the housing market for a tough decade ahead?
LOs – I'd love to hear more about your buyers! If they're not first-time homebuyers, what spurred them to enter this market? Are they newly freed up remote workers or mostly boomers near retirement age? Please share with me anonymously at
James Kleimann
Managing Editor, HousingWire