BC’s cooling-off period, Homes under $200,000, BoC hikes to slow, Canadians’ uncertainty on debt, More

Cooling-off legislation: What impact will it have on BC market?
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31 May 2022
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Top news
Cooling-off legislation: What impact will it have on BC market?

The new rule will allow buyers to back out of a purchase within a designated period

Where can Canadians buy a home under $200,000?

A new study shows a "glimmer of hope" for buyers with a set spending limit

New podcast: the new discipline for strong broker-lender partnerships

Get key insights on what the new mortgage movement means

MCAN Mortgage

Alta West's Diseri talks recent restructuring

"We felt technology is paramount to get us to where we want to be and provide the service, the turnaround time that brokers expect"

Analysts: Large BoC hikes will likely end sooner than later

The increments in the central bank's rate hikes will become narrower in the foreseeable future, analysts say

MNP: Many Canadians don't know where to turn for help with their debt

A sizeable proportion they would be "embarrassed" to seek professional assistance

Avison Young on GTA commercial market's sustained performance

Buyers and investors are registering strong confidence in the region's commercial assets

Canadian banks gave 'false signal' on credit, National Bank says

Analyst expects banks to boost provisions as economic risks rise

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International news
What's driving homebuyers to use brokers?

Broker market share hits new record high

Mortgage lending figures drop in April

Industry experts react to BoE report

ANZ announces mortgage rate rises

The new rates will take effect in June

HELOC demand soars as property values surge

Home equity lender reports another month of record-high loan volume

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