Bank of Canada - how many more hikes, Private lending, New mortgage platform, Originations, More

How many more BoC hikes are likely in 2022?
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04 March 2022
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How many more BoC hikes are likely in 2022?

The central bank made a landmark increase to its policy rate in Wednesday's announcement

Growth of private lending continuing: expert

The sector's mainstreaming, already underway before COVID-19, has sped up in recent years

Group launches new mortgage platform

The service promises ease of use and direct-to-client mortgage products

What demographic holds the largest share of mortgage originations?

This consumer sector saw double-digit annual increases

QPAREB: Montreal housing market a hotbed of price gains

The region continues to highly favour sellers

StatCan: Mortgage arrears rate holding steady

The share of mortgages in arrears is at its lowest level ever

international news
What's behind banking giant's job cuts?

It has discontinued its home originations segment

Three KiwiSaver schemes exit Russian investments

"It's the right thing to do," bank spokesperson says

Broking in a period of rising interest rates

Many haven't dealt with a situation like this before

What's impacting consumer credit demand?

Personal loans, mortgages buck trend in Equifax index

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Executives explain how uncomfortable they can feel

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