CEO on mortgage market, Ontario foreign buyers' tax impact, Price growth, Commercial, More

CEO offers mortgage market updates
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31 March 2022
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CEO offers mortgage market updates

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Levy is expanding beyond Toronto

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There are some openings that you don't want to miss…


BMO: Price growth might hit a stopping point soon

Frothy supply-demand dynamics will eventually hit the wall, analyst says

Why variable-rate offerings are still a strong choice

"Should I fix in, is now the time?"

Poll: Input costs likely to impact commercial long-term tenancy

Inflationary pressures have a disproportionate impact on the sector, new survey suggests

Industry hails Ontario's latest pro-affordable ownership bill

New bill is expected to be a significant step towards resolving Ontario's perennial housing supply issues

international news
Self-employed come under increased scrutiny – what can be done?

"Underwriting process for self-employed more involved"

Mortgage brokers settle $165.96 billion in home loans

MFAA figures show 410,000 applications lodged

US home prices continue growth streak

Double-digit annual price gain was the fourth-largest reading in 35 years

Residency a "gateway" to a new home

Blenheim couple scrimps, scrapes, and plans for 12 years to buy a house they can call their own

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