Rate hike fears, Mortgage landscape changes, CEO interview, BMO, Mortgage defaults, More

Is the mortgage landscape changing for new buyers?
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27 October 2021
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Is the mortgage landscape changing for new buyers?

Despite recent developments on inflation and the housing market, challenges for new entrants remain the same

CEO on the fruits of continuous learning

Ever-evolving industry know-how lays the groundwork for long-term success

Rate increase fears driving Canadians to scale down spending

Many Canadians are anxious about the long-term effects of borrowing spree in the low rate environment

Mortgage default rate currently far below the long-term average – CBA

The hottest housing markets had the lowest default rate

BMO Economics weighs in on the fixed-rate vs. variable-rate debate

Over the next year or so, headline inflation is expected to remain on average higher than the central bank's target rate

Debt repayment, retirement funds top concerns among Canadians – Equifax

Canadians have begun checking their credit reports more frequently, as well

International news
Mortgage experts upbeat over latest home data

Upswing in existing-home sales and cooling of price increases amid continuing low inventory and first-time buyer struggles

Australia brokerage giant reveals new management structure

It is hoped that broker business will continue to operate as usual

Rates rising faster than expected: are clients worried?

Advisers weigh in on client concerns

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