Trudeau's to-do list, Banks under fire, Big Six bank rebrands, Return to cities, Major IPO, More

Will Canadian homebuyers flock back to the city?
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23 September 2021
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Will Canadian homebuyers flock back to the city?

A new report says the return to downtown cores may not be materializing – and one brokerage owner thinks clients will continue looking to the suburbs

Big Six bank reveals new branding

The bank launched a new take on its very first logo designed more than five decades ago

Judges revealed for Hall of Fame 2021

Meet the industry leaders who will comprise the judging panel for the prestigious industry award

What's on Trudeau's to-do list?

Banks are in line to take a hit

Canadian banks, insurers incapable of assessing climate risk – advocacy group

The group rejects the scientific consensus on climate change

Which region's first-time buyers are less wealthy than repeat buyers?

Joint home purchases are also more common, Statistics Canada says

Bank unveils IPO pricing

The offering is scheduled to close on Sept. 24

International news
Gunning for the big wholesale lenders

"We're enabling companies that don't have the same kind of technology to compete better with the likes of UWM"

Brokers should act now to assist their clients

Top 100 broker on the importance of being proactive as uncertainty around recession has economists taking a punt

Dispute resolution service dismisses complaint against mortgage broker

It shares lending concerns

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