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What the purchase of HomeEquity means for brokers
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24 September 2021
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What the purchase of HomeEquity means for brokers

The company's CEO said that its acquisition is expected to have a significant impact for the mortgage broker channel

Largest banks' ability to increase mortgage rates might be limited – observers

The Liberal victory in the recent elections might herald a more restricted environment

Empty office levels reach multi-decade high – CBRE

Emergence of COVID-19 variants "amplified" market volatility, CBRE says

CLA approves new mortgage tech vendor

E-signature provider's technology is expected to be adapted to the specific needs of the mortgage and lending industries

Mortgage delinquency rates ease in Q2 – Equifax

Government support and payment deferrals played major roles in improving Canadians' financial health, Equifax said

Canada retail sales bounce back

They had stalled in early summer

International news
What's driving housing starts?

Supply shortages hitting single family homes amid positive homebuilder sentiment

Brokers should prepare for "flurry of activity"

CEO says it's time to get ready

FMA 'low value' policy report: how are the banks involved?

"There has certainly been complacency," regulator says

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