CEO on election, Firing workers for refusing vaccine, Toronto, Non-bank drop, Insolvencies, More

"Supply, supply, supply": CIMBC CEO on top federal election priorities
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07 September 2021
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"Supply, supply, supply": CIMBC CEO on top federal election priorities

The prominent industry figure also shared his views on recent trends for the mortgage broker profession

Can you fire a worker for refusing the vax?

Can you ever really dismiss an employee who refuses to be vaccinated against COVID? Leading employment law expert answers this and other key workplace vaccination issues

Toronto home prices: Growth continues

Rapidly snapped up new listings more than made up for lower sales in August

Desperate for housing: International students struggle

Many are looking for a place to live in a city burdened by soaring rents

Non-bank lenders hit by mortgage drop

It comes on the back of a roughly two-year streak of continuous price growth

Canadian consumer insolvency – what's happening now?

Many Canadians are still labouring under significant fiscal volatility

RBC outlines current market drivers and future risks

Activity will likely remain robust, but multiple sources of uncertainty prevail

International news
Private lender back to pre-pandemic levels

Company reports booming business with ground up construction and short-term rentals

How is the delta strain impacting the property market?

Is summer the new spring for the housing market?

Westpac reveals mortgage rates increase

One of the rates is the highest of any bank on a "specials" basis for that fixed term

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