Open banking, Calgary market, Equitable earnings, Immigration target, More Great Chef 06.03 Open banking: Progress remains slow towards 'dramatic' developments for mortgage space View web version | Forward to a colleague 04 August 2023 Top news Open banking: Progress remains slow towards 'dramatic' developments for mortgage space Two years since the federal finance minister welcomed the prospect of open banking, few significant steps forward have been made Calgary's housing market continues to sizzle Scores of out-of-province buyers appear to be turning their sights to the city Did you know you have many incredible benefits with our Elite Loyalty Program? Treat yourself this summer! Redeem your Elite Loyalty points and choose your rewards from our online catalogue. Learn more about our Elite Loyalty program Haventree Bank Equitable Bank reports best-ever quarterly earnings The lender saw its adjusted net income surge in Q2 Canada to maintain immigration target despite housing shortage The need for new immigrants remains "too great" to amend quotas, according to the federal immigration minister Learn today, grow tomorrow Hear about the latest market trends, unpack the challenges facing mortgage leaders, find new mortgage tech solutions, and unearth new ways to grow at the Canadian Mortgage Summit National Bank acquires Canadian branch of SVB's commercial loan portfolio The portfolio includes $1 billion worth of tech, life science, and global fund loans How is the London, Ontario housing market faring? The city has seen "huge" demand for housing, real estate board president says International news Bank of England interest rate reaction – brokers give their verdict Many believe small businesses will feel the full force of this decision ANZ will seek review of ACCC's Suncorp Bank deal refusal CEO 'disappointed' by rejection of acquisition proposal NZPIF slams Green Party's proposed rental warrant of fitness NZ needs more rental properties, not more bureaucracy, says industry body Pennymac sees servicing portfolio as hedge against losses 2Q profit more than 1Q, but 91.7% down from last year's comparable period CMPTV What are the latest trends in private and alt-lending? Broker on the year to date – and the outlook for the remainder of 2023 Want to change how you receive these emails? You can manage preferences or unsubscribe © 2023 KM Business Information Canada Ltd, 317 Adelaide street west, Toronto, ON Privacy | Conditions of Use | About Us | Contact Us Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+