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HomeEquity SVP on company's growth in a challenging market
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02 February 2023
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HomeEquity SVP on company's growth in a challenging market

Developing and strengthening relationships were key to higher volume, executive says

High borrowing costs impacting many homeowners' reno plans: report

A significant number of Canadians are shelving their plans to renovate amid a high-rate environment

5-Star Mortgage Products: Survey now open

Brokers, it's time to rate your lenders

Ontario regulator begins 2023 licence renewal period for mortgage professionals

Regulator encourages mortgage professionals to renew as early as possible

Borrower profiles – what can mortgage professionals expect this year?

"What we've been seeing a lot of this year is a much better quality of borrower"

What factors will have the greatest influence on the BoC rate moving forward?

Economic data is likely to send "conflicting signals" to the central bank in the near future

What's the latest on the Calgary office market?

The market brings with it significant momentum from last year, new report says

Will more businesses implement pay transparency?

Salary disclosure helps gender pay equality because of 'higher scrutiny'

International news
Why one firm thinks switching to a base rate tracker is the right move

The fintech mortgage lender is betting that pricing transparency will help customers make wiser decisions

How will loan arrears play out in 2023?

S&P Global shares latest forecasts

From selling bootleg CDs to running a brokerage

A chance encounter led broker on a fruitful career path

Five tips for successful property investing

Ensure strong rental returns despite declining market

Company Spotlight – CWB Optimum Mortgage

CMPTV recently spoke with Marcia Lindberg from CWB Optimum Mortgage on how brokers can thrive and succeed in a higher rate market

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