Brokers - what matters most, CAMLA, Housing investors, Ownership intentions, More

What matters most to brokers
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06 February 2023
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What matters most to brokers

During CMP's annual "Brokers on Lenders" survey, we heard from hundreds of brokers on what is most important to their business

Inaugural CAMLA broker/agent event to take place on March 1

The event is billed as a day of education and networking for brokers and agents involved in the alternative and private spaces

There are deals to be made today

Glasslake has officially arrived as an alternative funding source for the broker channel. Ready to get deals done like never before? Contact one of our Regional Sales Managers today


Broker on how a good mentor shapes a strong career

Kelowna-based broker highlights how effective tutelage builds a professional for the future

How much influence on Canadian housing do investors have?

Statistics Canada outlines the demographic's presence

Ownership intentions – Have they shifted in Canadian markets?

Ownership intentions – Have they shifted in Canadian markets?

Affordable housing still hot topic for council

Staff looking for direction on four specific areas

Feds unveil new funding for Alberta Indigenous housing

New tranche is valued at more than $13 million

International news
How can brokers gain market share?

It's a tried-and-true tactic, but you may not like it

MI Talk - The mortgage industry's brand new podcast

Tune in to hear why one experienced broker is positive about the market

Annual inflation for households hits 8.2% in December

This fuelled by housing, food, and transport costs

Top 100 broker Aaron Christie-David reflects on success

Collaboration more important than comparison, he says

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