Massive fraud, Record immigration, Ripping apart model, Big Six, More

Record immigration: How could it boost Canada's housing market?
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06 January 2023
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Record immigration: How could it boost Canada's housing market?

2022 saw the number of new permanent residents arriving in the country hit an all-time high

How is Axess Law 'ripping apart' the traditional real estate law model?

"Our focus is on ripping apart what you thought you knew in terms of how a real estate transaction should be closed"

Introducing this year's 5-Star Mortgage Product Winner

RFA prides itself on being a "brokers first" lender - "Our clients' needs are always a top priority"

RFA Bank

Major mortgage fraud investigation – police seek help

Authorities release photos of suspects in a complex fraud case

How will the Big Six banks' earnings fare this year?

Analyst outlines possibilities for Canada's largest banks

BC enacts three-day cooldown period for buyers

The policy is intended to give buyers a chance to secure financing

How did the Fraser Valley market fare last year?

The region's December performance was a return to balance, housing board says

International News
Real estate technology trends for 2023 broken down

Big data swaggers in, machines will learn more and bots will be everywhere

This mortgage broker almost gave up – he now has a company of his own

"The first six months of advice were really difficult"

Revealed – how much NZ housing values fell in 2022

Further declines predicted for 2023

Mortgage growth to drop significantly in 2023-24

Morgan Stanley predicts regional banks to suffer the most

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