Banking giant vows to contest ruling, Home Capital future, Vancouver drop, Ontario regulation, More

Government relations essential for mortgage community in 2023: expert
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05 January 2023
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Government relations essential for mortgage community in 2023: expert

Clear communication is essential between policymakers and mortgage professionals in the year ahead, says industry veteran

Canadian giant vows to contest US court ruling ordering $1.16 billion repayment

The bank was found liable for losses suffered by a US-based hedge fund

How can brokers build customer loyalty and drive referrals?

These steps can give agents and brokers an invaluable edge in the industry in 2023

Home Capital Group moves closer to acquisition by billionaire

Deal is expected to close in mid-2023

Vancouver market hit by more than 50% drop

Homebuyers taking a "wait and see" approach

How technology aids in understanding the meaning behind the numbers

"Understanding the data that is within your technology platform is something that we think is very, very important"

Ontario regulator urges mortgage professionals to renew early this year

FSRA outlines new licensing requirements

International News
Could 2023 be the year of the independent broker?

Exodus from retail to wholesale is expected to continue unabated

Most people find home moving process stressful - report

Extended wait times and uncertainty are some of the main sources of worry

CommSec report forecasts another tough year ahead

What's in store for the property sector?

Landlords up against opposing forces in 2023 – NZPIF

"The government is trying to dissuade people from becoming landlords on a philosophical basis," VP says

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