Alternative lending update: Major acquisition, Rates rise and fall, Recapping 2022, More

Recapping a lot of ground covered by Community Trust in 2022
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12 January 2023
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Recapping a lot of ground covered by Community Trust in 2022

Their "We Care" philosophy stands out as a common thread throughout their business

Home Capital Group moves closer to acquisition by billionaire

Deal is expected to close in mid-2023

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Community Trust

Rates rise and fall, but the lender's advice – know your client – remains the same

Community Trust reflects on being recognized for interest rates in Brokers on Lenders results

Brokers on Lenders awards highlights Community Trust's transparent commission structure

'Secret commission programs don't do anyone justice, so we lay it out every year,' said Grant Armstrong

Alternative lending growth gathers pace in Canada

Borrowers are also more likely to stay in the alternative space at term, CMHC report finds

Community Trust exec on what alternative lending needs to embody

"Alternative lending in many ways is storybook lending, where the story really matters"

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