2023 market, BDM views, GTA controversy, 8Twelve, More

2023 market: Expert talks rising rates, appraisal challenges
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11 January 2023
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2023 market: Expert talks rising rates, appraisal challenges

Borrowers could face strong headwinds this year as higher rates and a cooler market continue to take their toll

Success through the eyes of a MERIX BDM

Nicole Thomson on relationships, education, and the importance of a positive outlook

Date the rate, marry the home: taking advantage of lower home prices

Keep your eyes on the prize –not on the rates

RFA laying groundwork for further growth

The company is taking the next steps on the path to becoming a leading lender in the mortgage broker channel

GTA municipalities respond to More Homes Built Faster with rate increases up to 100%

"Obviously we're in a bit of a bind," one mayor says

2023 outlook reveals fate of commercial property sector

Find out how the market will fare compared to 2022

8Twelve's proprietary technology has won itself another alliance

Find out what's making INFIN8 the fintech of choice for real estate brokerages

Billionaire haggled Home Capital price down as rates rose - report

He may have saved hundreds of millions…

Majority of employees confident their company can handle recession

Despite gloomy forecasts and tech sector reckoning, approach is relatively sanguine

International News
Major bank takes home lending business in new direction

Banking giant shrinks mortgage business to "reduce risk" and "narrow focus" on consumer and minority lending

Does the latest sales slump signal Annus Horribilis or a soft landing?

Disappointing month may signal a terrible year ahead, but some argue that a soft landing is still possible

Revealed: Where to find absolute bargains in 2023

There'll be "damn good" buying opportunities in these areas, according to experts

Regulator should block ANZ-Suncorp deal – analyst

Proposed acquisition is "anti-competitive," expert says

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