Bank of Canada in 2023, Rates rise, Terra Firma, Montreal, Alberta, Holidays

How will the Bank of Canada decide whether to increase rates in 2023?
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23 December 2022
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Top news
How will the Bank of Canada decide whether to increase rates in 2023?

A number of factors will play into the central bank's thinking as next year comes into view

Rates rise and fall, but the lender's advice – know your client – remains the same

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Executives talk evolution of industry through tech

Happy holidays from Canadian Mortgage Professional

Wishing all our readers a wonderful break

Terra Firma to evaluate strategic alternatives

Amid persistent economic volatility, Terra Firma said that it remains committed to maximizing shareholder value and liquidity

How was the Montreal office market's performance recently?

Avison Young outlines the market's Q3 highlights

What's the latest on Alberta's population trends?

StatCan reports strong Q3 results for the province's population

Renovated Edmonton housing complex begins operations

The project saw multi-million investment tranches from CMHC and the local government

International news
House prices up annually, but upward momentum falling away quickly – Zoopla

Research expert predicts what will happen to house prices in 2023

Banking giant's rating outlook cut to negative by Fitch

The embattled bank faces consequences of its widespread illegal activity

Parliamentary committee urges RBA to learn from mistakes

Australian households and workers 'deserve no less', chair says

FMA suspends license for non-compliance

The business was likely to materially contravene its licensee obligations, the authority says

How is technology transforming Canada's mortgage industry?

Executives talk evolution of industry through tech

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