Alternative lending update: Slow market hits Q3 volume, CEO on path to success, Non-bank mortgages spike, Identifying ideal clients, More

Sluggish housing market impacts lender's Q3 volumes
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10 November 2022
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Sluggish housing market impacts lender's Q3 volumes

Both buyers and sellers are labouring under immense pressure in the current rate-hike environment, company says

Brokerage CEO outlines the key to victory

"You've got to have the right people doing the right things right"

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Mortgages taken through non-bank lenders spiked in Q2: StatCan

Uninsured mortgages represented a significant chunk of loans taken out through these lenders

CWB Optimum Mortgage's Financial Literacy Month Series: Part 1

A space where the story matters: making the case for embracing the power that lies on the alternative side

Why is identifying an ideal client so important for brokers?

The strategy is especially crucial in the current mortgage market, says executive

Rate increases causing uptick in alternative mortgage activity, says executive

Schedule B and private lenders "picking up the business" of borrowers who can't qualify on A side

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