Lenders, Are You Getting the Most out of Your Credit Reports?

Join our industry panelists as we explore the ways to manage credit risk.

Join HousingWire and industry experts from FICO, Virginia Credit Union and Andrew Davidson & Co for a conversation on how to get a better handle on how trended credit data and other non-traditional credit data may impact your underwriting criteria and strategies. 


In this webinar you'll hear from risk management thought leaders in the financial services and credit industries. Learn how trended data can further refine the accuracy of your risk assessments, realize greater performance precision while supporting a consistent customer experience.


Meet the panel

Tom Parrent
Model Risk Management,
Andrew Davidson & Co., Inc.

Joanne Gaskin
Vice President, Scores and Analytics,

David Christovich
Vice President of Credit Risk Management and Pricing,
Virginia Credit Union

Can't make it? Register, and we'll provide the on-demand recording!

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