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The conversations you need to be having with clients
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07 October 2021
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The conversations you need to be having with clients

An industry president says the value of brokers lies in imparting frank advice in the current climate

The need for speed - How Hosper Mortgage uses Mortgage Automator to improve turnaround time

Find out how one company is getting ahead with alternative lending

A front-row seat

Radius Financial CEO Ron Swift has lived and breathed mortgages for nearly four decades – and along the way, he's witnessed big changes in the broker channel

Firm to launch commercial mortgage offering

The dedicated commercial mortgage strategy will focus on long-term capital preservation, the firm says

BMO on market risks and pressures

Expectations are for sustained housing and mortgage market activity for the rest of the year

Luxury condo platform to launch virtual tours of Toronto high-end developments

Platform to feature the latest luxury developments in Toronto

Montreal activity steadily moving towards pre-pandemic conditions

Prices remain under pressure, although single-family prices are starting to level off

International news
OCR decision puts an end to mortgage rate wars

Experts discuss where the central bank will go from here

Revealed: Brokers rate Australia's non-banks

The annual Brokers on Non-Banks survey is out – find out who topped the list

What it takes to succeed in the mortgage industry

Former US Army veteran shares his tips

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