Triggers, queries, actions now listed on service pages❣️

By popular demand, we've listed every trigger, query, and action available for each service on their own page. This makes creating Applets sooo much easier.

All the building blocks of Applets are at your finger tips. Every service page now lists its triggers, queries, and actions.

Tap on Details to see how you can use them to create Applets.

Here's a GIF of what it looks like

Try it for yourself! Select any service and tap on Details.

Search services

Triggers, queries, and actions are the building blocks of every Applet. Use them to control how your apps and devices communicate with each other.

Save time, have fun, create Applets! 😎

P.S. If you read this far, here's 20% off Pro when you select yearly billing! Enter code TriggersQueriesActionsOhMy at checkout.

P.S.S. Code only applicable for non-Pro accounts using the website checkout. Expires Thursday, June 24.

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