Second-largest pension fund says active adds little value | Two and twenty forever dead? | Paul Tudor Jones' special diversifier

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The Sharpe Angle: Head of the second-largest U.S. public pension fund says managers rarely added value

"We seldom saw managers consistently add value net of fees."

The hedge fund model has been under attack for decades, at least since the financial crisis, but assets under management continue to surpass records. Christopher Ailman oversees the nation's second largest public pension fund, CalSTRS, with $300 billion dollars under management. Here he is on the high price of delivering alpha. - Ritika Shah

Two and twenty is long dead

According to HFR, in the fourth quarter of 2020, hedge funds charged an average of 1.4% management fee and 16.4% performance fee. That's down from the 1.6% management fee and 19% performance fee that was commonplace a decade prior. 

Delivering Alpha Headlines

Big thoughts from the big money

While bitcoin's wild volatility continues to test investors, Paul Tudor Jones believes that in the long run the cryptocurrency will protect his wealth and it has a place in his portfolio just like gold and cash. "I like bitcoin as a portfolio diversifier. Everybody asks me what should I do with my bitcoin? The only thing I know for certain, I want 5% in gold, 5% in bitcoin, 5% in cash, 5% in commodities… Over time it's a great diversifier. I look at crypto as a story of wealth," Jones recently told CNBC. -Yun Li

The JPMorgan chief revealed recently that the bank has been "effectively stockpiling" cash rather than using it to buy Treasuries or other investments because of likely persistent inflation. "We have a lot of cash and capability and we're going to be very patient, because I think you have a very good chance inflation will be more than transitory," Dimon said recently during a conference. The biggest U.S. bank by assets has positioned itself to benefit from rising interest rates, which will let it buy higher-yielding assets, he said.

Reddit traders have been piling into one stock after another this year as speculative trading shows no signs of slowing down. But even if the trend is here to stay, the length of each meme stock's run can be fleeting, a CNBC analysis of market data shows. On average, Reddit stocks' runs lasted nine trading days from the start to their first big drop during the initial frenzy in January, and this short-lived pattern is seen again in the recent mania in AMC, Clover Health and others.  

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