Jump into the (liquidity) pool

The first liquidity rewards program with GoodDollar on FuseSwap is live. 

Almost 100 people like you have participated, which is awesome. Because together, we can make G$ a more widely liquid asset.  

In addition to the 0.3% trading fee commissins earned via FuseSwap, LPs will also earn their share of 75,000 FUSE tokens allocated to the pool, distributed proportionally based on how much is contributed to the pool.

And over 200,000 people will thank you for it.  

What are liquidity pools?

Don't worry, you are not the first person to ask. Check out this helpful introduction from Binance Academy. 

I'm in. How does it work?l

I'm in. How does it work?

1. Transfer your USDC from Ethereum Network to Fuse Network via the bridge on FuseSwap (if needed). You will need to have an equal value of both G$ and USDC tokens.

2. Provide liquidity on the G$/USDC pool here.

3. Head to rewards.fuse.io and locate the relevant LP program under "Fusewap Rewards". Deposite LP tokens until Saturday, 17th July at 3 pm UTC.

4. You will receive your rewards at the end of the program when withdraw you LP tokens and "claim".

Ready? Jump in. Start putting your G$s to work, while also eraning rewards.

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Changing the balance, for good.

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